Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Record Rainfall and Historic Flood Levels

School was canceled today due to flooding. It's been raining non-stop since Sunday, and streams and rivers are spilling their banks. It was with great trepidation that I went down to the basement, hoping everything was high and dry. We've never had leakage in the beautifully refinished basement, and it remains that way. Maybe we should raise our asking price.

I had to run a few errands, so I eased my intrepid van down the driveway and into the water zone. What I saw was amazing: a pond just about to overflow and block the road; road closures due to streams sending jets of water across the intersection; neighbors pumping out basements. I was crazy to be out. I navigated my trusty vehicle to the post office and to Dave's to pick up chicken breast. To fortify myself for the drive home, I stopped at Panera's to buy a mocha chino. I took a different route home to check out Moosehorn Road from the other end. There's plenty of flooding, but not as bad as I'd seen in other parts of town.

When I got home, there was a message from Marty on the answering machine. The road to New York was also flooded in parts, and it took him a lot longer than usual to make the drive. New York City generally does not flood, so Marty should have no worries as he makes his way to work and dinner engagements. By the time he comes back to Rhode Island on Friday evening, the floods will have receded. The weekend is supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees. The latest weather alert forecasts a total of six to nine inches total rainfall today. The average for March is three inches.

Let's hope the waters recede rapidly and stay out of our basement.


Ronni Gordon said...

It's been bad here, too. The sun finally came out today. During the storm I even skipped a few days of dog walking. Happy drying-out!

Ann said...

I hope things have dried out and all remains well. I can't believe the rain you guys have been getting.