Monday, August 5, 2013

From Hicksterville to Hipsterville

I know I promised fire trucks, but that will come soon enough.

In 1985, we moved to Fort Greene, Brooklyn. It was a decidedly mixed neighborhood, mostly black, some hispanic, and some white people who couldn't afford Park Slope or just didn't want to live there.

It was a dicey neighborhood at the time. Like many hoods of its ilk, there were few stores beyond check cashing, tire repair or salons catering to blacks. We made an acceptable offer and moved in.

We quickly became friends with our neighbors. It was a truly mixed place, not like now.

Now it's hipsterville, mostly young, fresh out of college, very expensive and predominately white. I had tofu pad thai tonight, an indication of the radical change.

I'm not saying it's bad. Just saying.

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