Friday, September 7, 2012

Cloud Atlas, the Movie

If you check my profile you'll see that one of my favorite books is Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. It's a wise and intriguing novel consisting of six separate stories, two of which take place in the past, two in  the present and two in the future.

No one, not even the author thought it could be made into a movie. But the Wachowskis, sister and brother film makers who helped create The Matrix series, saw the possibilities. Together with Tom Tykwer, they fought to make the film a reality. In a genius move, they convinced Tom Hanks (who didn't need much convincing) to play the main character in each of the six segments of the book. Hanks is the perfect Everyman. Still, I can't wait to see how this is achieved.

Cloud Atlas is being shown at the Toronto Film Festival, and opens in theaters October 26. I have to see this movie, and perhaps reread the book.


Rebecca said...

Did you read Aleksandar Hemon's piece on the movie in the New Yorker?

PJ said...

Yes, I did. Have you read the book?

Rebecca said...

Not yet.