Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Uninterestings

I finally finished Meg Wolitzer's The Interestings. While I could relate to some of the themes (aging, feminism, accepting that there's more to life than genius, talent and money, the AIDs crisis in it infancy), but found the characters to be flat, even though the main characters grew up more or less like me. She was ashamed of the LI town she grew up in. She's three years younger than I am, and she attended undergraduate school at SUNY Buffalo. I even have wealthy friends who lend me money.  Guess the book is just not my taste.

In other news, we had a bust of a snowstorm but they're promising another six inches overnight. It means I was able to  keep my appointment to have a tooth extracted. All went well--very little bleeding or swelling and only minor pain. That's what drugs are for!

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