Monday, September 9, 2013


Continuing my Christopher Hitchens exposure, I checked out god is not great, which Salman Rushdie said was a good title but should've stopped with "not."

It's no secret that Hitchens is an atheist. His venom toward what we call organized crime, I mean religion makes him discuss the 3 major brands (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) with a causticity that nearly bursts into flames. You'll be thankful for the dashes of exquisite wit he uses throughout his merciless tirade.

I will be truthful with you dear readers. I did not finish the book. After Chapter 5, I skimmed the rest. The research he presents tightens his case. Read the whole book if you wish. I suspect the only believers who are even exposed to this book are either reviewers, media opinionators, or religious persons who want to get all angles of an argument so they can devise new strategies of protecting their kingdom. I, after all, have occasionally stomached my way through Rush Limbaugh radio shows.


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