Monday, November 4, 2013

Too Much Happiness

I'm not a short-story reader but when Alice Munro won the Nobel Prize for Literature, I was curious. My library had one book by her so I grabbed it, just in time apparently because a patron came in and asked the librarian if she had anything by the newsworthy Canadian writer.

Each of Munro's stories is set in a different time and place, most in Canada. But the important thing for Munro is her characters, who are quirky and damaged in some way. There's not much happiness in Too Much Happiness but that's not what I look for in a book. It would be a relief though to read a cheerful book, but I might have to look to romance novels or self-help books.

In the meantime, I'm slowing digesting Thomas Pynchon's new book, which is at times hilariously funny.

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